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Avoid these 7 mistakes when you introduce your baby to your dog

When you first have a baby, don’t freak out. I know that it might sound dangerous to have a newborn, and a dog under the same roof! I can tell you that it all depends on the way you handle the situation. I am here to give you a hand with this “situation.” Try to follow these 7 “rules” because they could be a really big help for you!
1- Don’t forget your dog!

Having a newborn is a challenge, that I’ve heard, but it is not the end of the world! If you manage time wisely then you can have time for your newborn, yourself, and your dog. Show your dogs that you love them just as much as before!

2- Change your daily schedule before you baby arrives!

Try to adopt your dog with a new walking + feeding schedule, so you won’t have any problems with neither one of your “babies.”

3- Teach them these 3 important commands:

If you don’t want this to happen, then teach your dog “STAY”, “LEAVE IT”, “COME HERE.”

4- Introduce him to the baby

Don’t panic, because dogs can sense your emotions! Calm down, everything will go very well if you don’t stress out!

5- Keep your dog away from your baby’s room

A newborn is very delicate, therefore you should keep your dog a little away from your baby’s room. You don’t want the dog to mess up your your nursing room, or be alone with your newborn when you have something to do!

6- Introduce your baby’s scent to your dog. Take a babygrow from the hospital, and allow your dog to get familiar with the scent. Teach him that he is allowed to sniff it whenever you let him to do so!

7- Don’t stress out.

Your dog understands when you are stressed out. Try to take the whole new change in your life calmly, and positively!

Source: BowWowTimes

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