It all started a year and a half ago when a Reddit user who goes by the name of “doihavetosignup” decided to post a couple of pictures (on behalf of their mom.) The user posted some pictures of his parent’s new kitten Moses who was chilling on the back of their adorable Collie Molly. When I first saw this picture my heart literally melt. I can’t believe how adorable this duo looks. They became best friends for life since day one, and even now a year and a half later, not much has really changed regarding their close relationship.
This is the fist picture of Moses, the cat, and Molly, the Collie. This is when the family first adopted Moses, and as you can see she was this teeny tiny kitten. The kitten was abandoned, and was found either by the mom of the Reddit user or by Molly. They won’t tell us the truth 😛
Not only did these two became best friends, but they started sleeping with each other every single day. Their bond just kept getting stronger and stronger.
They adopted one another, because they started acting like they came from the same family. Little do these two know that one is a cat, while the other one is a dog. Oh well as long as the love each-other, why not!!!
Now even a year and a half later, nothing has changed with these two. Of course Moses looks a lot different now because she has grown into this beautiful cat, but the two of them still love each other the same, or even more…
They have became inseparable, and the family says that where is Molly, there will be Moses and the other way around.
They are so lucky to have found one another, and looks like they are aware of the blessings they have…
Source: Boredpanda