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What can a Mini-Pony, Tortoise and Puppy do together? Why don’t you get an answer below…

And we are back with the unlike friendships everyone. This time we are going to talk about a trio. I know that I always say this, but trust me, you have never seen anything like this before. We are talking about a Mini-Pony, Tortoise and a Puppy. I am totally aware that there is no relation between these three whatsoever, but allow pe to present you the cute trio ,through these pictures and a video at the end, before you jump into conclusions:


This adorable trio is just enjoying each-other’s presence in a sunny midday, and they are sharing a lettuce with one another. Question: Have you ever seen a puppy eating lettuce before? Well me neither. 



When they are done eating, they also casually pick on one another just for fun. As you can see the puppy in this case is messing up with the mini-pony, and they both look cool about it. The tortoise on the other hand is just chilling. 


Can we all guess who is the puckish one in this adorable, unusual friendship? I thought so too. But hey each squad has got to have one of these guys. They make the whole gang a lot more fun don’t you think? 


“So do you wanna bet that I eat this lettuce faster than you can? Why are you laughing at me mini-pony? I like lettuce way to much, and I am pretty confident at what I am saying!”


Mini-Pony: “Are you sure you wanna do this?”

Tortoise: “Heck yeah. Let’s get to it already OK?”


You be the judge in this case guys. Tortoises are really slow, but damn this one is on fireeeee. I guess she is used to eating lettuce, and she already knows how to eat fast enough. Enjoy!!!

Source: Buzzfeed

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