As years pass, the lives of everyone around the world only change. Some say that this change is for good, others say it is for bad, but that is an ongoing open discussion that will never end. Well as our lives change day after day, so do the lives of our pets too. In this post you will see some funny changes in cat’s lives as years pass. These changes are due to the technological change, and I can assure you that some of these cats, not to say all of them, are not happy about these times. If you have a cat, then you judge this change yourself, and decide whether this change is for good or not…
1- Before the Iphone’s cats used to play with yarn balls. Well those times are long gone because cats now can easily play with Iphones instead…
2- Once upon a time, most cats had a beloved toy they hugged when they wanted to feel safe. Looks like the concept has changed…
3- When cats wanted to make friends, they just went over to their friends house to have a good time. Now they can communicate through social media…
4- Catching fish? Of Course cats still do that, only that now they do it through technology…
5- Getting tangled was a little more fun back then. Well it is still fun, only they get tangled with wires nowadays…
6- Once upon a time cats used to observe birds mostly outside their windows. Nowadays cats still observe birds, but not same as back then…
7- Hunting looked a little bit different also. They still hund mouses, only nowadays mouses are not the same.
8- Cats love to intrude human’s personal space. Now they still do, but not in notebooks anymore…
9- Getting warm looks like a different concept also…
10- Cats definitely used to love sitting on TV’s, but they can’t do it anymore…
Source: Boredpanda