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This couple wanted to clone their dog, and this is what happened…

A couple wanted to clone their dog after his death. They decided to do so because they couldn’t let go just yet. They got inspired form a previous couple that cloned their dog. Right after the death they thought that it was a good way to keep the memory of their boxer Dylan alive. The whole process was not easy, and the pictures below will guide you through everything that happened. In the end you will see a video that describes everything for those of you who are interested in doing the same thing.
This is the couple. Laura and Richard, who decided to keep their dog alive, throughout another creatures body:

Laura and Richard called Sooam Biotech, who said they could freeze some of Dylan’s cells until they were ready to try to clone him.

After collecting the cells, Laura and Richard had to send the cells to the Sooam Biotech lab in South Korea.

At first they thought that the process would not be possible because the cells were not growing as they were supposed too.

Still the couple was updating with every single news that the Biotech lab had for them, and exactly 31 days after they received the cells, they told the couple that the cells begun to grow.

For the couple this was just the best news ever. Then short they found out that the lab had confirmed two pregnancies. Their Dylan clone was about to double, and nothing could make the couple happier.

When the two puppies were born, the couple flew all the way from UK to South Korea to witness this huge moment for their life. Now they have two little Dylan’s one for each.

This is what this couple had to go through to clone their beloved Dylan and keep his memory alive.

Source: Buzzfeed

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