Dogs are a human’s best friend and I have no doubt about that. We became very close to each-other, and we cannot imagine our life without our four legged buddies. If you already have a dog, you probably know the lifespan of your pet. If you don’t own a dog, but you want to get one, you might wanna take a look at this, and learn what kind of dog lives the longest.
#1- Chihuahua
Lifespan 18-20 years
Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed. They weight from 4-6 pounds. These dogs do not prone to genetic disorders, but they suffer from hypoglycemia and have problems with their teeth.
#2- Jack Russell Terrier
Lifespan: 16-20 years
Jack Russell Terrier are strong, energetic and enjoy being outdoors. This breed was used a lot in the past for fox hounting.
#3- Toy Poodle
Lifespan: 16-20 years
Toy Poodles are a favorite lapdog particularly in France and United Kingdom. They require a lot of mental stimulation through different games, and regular walks.
#4- Cockapoo
Lifespan: 16-20 years
Cockapoos are a mix between a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle. Be careful never leave this dogs alone because they suffer from separation anxiety.
#5- Lagotto Romagnolo
Lifespan: 16-17 years
This dog breed originates from Italy, and mean lake dog. They require a great deal of stimulation in physical activity, otherwise they will suffer from boredom.
#6- Lhasa Aspo
Lifespan: 15-20 years
Lhasa Aspo has served as a guard dog for a long time. It is a non-sporting dog from Tibet, and it is a favorite pet among Tibetan nobility.
#7- Australian Shepherd
Lifespan: 15- 18 years
The Australian Shepherd is a highly energetic dog, and very intellectual. They need daily exercise and frequent grooming. This dog breed mostly suffers from vision problems or epilepsy.
#8- Pomeranian
Lifespan:14-16 years
They are often called Pom Pom, and have been used as “toy dogs.” They have been very popular since Queen Victoria fell in love with one in Italy and brought it back in England. It the past 20 years Pomeranian has been ranked among the 20 most popular dogs in USA.
#9- Beagle
Lifespan: 15-16 years
Beagle has been a breed used for rabbit, hare, deer and other small animal haunting. For the past two decades this dog breed has been seen in television, movies, comic books, and animate movies.
#10- Maltese
Lifespan: 15-16 years
Maltese belongs to toy group family. It is a small breed, have a very sensitive coat, and are considered to be hypoallergenic.