If you are wondering which breeds are the worst at shedding,here is the answer. Of course there are many other breeds that shed a lot during the year but these are 5 dog breeds that shed the most.
Akitas are large dogs coming from Japan. Since they originate from the mountainous regions, they’ve got the coat to keep them warm. Although the coat is short, it’s got a very thick double layer that sheds constantly.
2.Alaskan Malamute
Another large northern breed, the Alaskan Malamute was originally bred to haul heavy loads across the icy lands in Alaska. To keep them warm during these ventures, they’ve got a very thick double coat that produces a lot of shed hair.
3.American Eskimo
Despite it’s name, the American Eskimo actually originates from northern Europe and is related to the German Spitz. They might be small, but they’re constant shedders.
4.Chow Chow
It might be no surprise that these Chinese dogs will shed daily, as they’ve got quite a lot of coat! This breed originates from northern China and was used as a guard dog.
5.German Shepherd
One of the most popular dog breeds in the world, the German Shepherd Dog is a constant shedder. While they typically “blow” their coat twice a year, you’ll still be seeing a lot of shedding in between.