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8 Things Only Dog Owners Will Understand

Dogs want nothing but to make us happy, and we are so lucky to spend everyday with them. Imagine what a beautiful world it would be if people had hearts like dogs. Sometimes, they give us some hard time trying to understand them. Here are 8 photos that only dog owners will understand and I’m sure that if you are one of them, you will find yourself into a lot of following situations.

#1 Do you wanna go outside ?

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#2 Don’t want it!  Image Credit

Gotta have it !!

#3 He might be only part of your life, for him, you are his everything, the only person in his whole life.

#4 My mother just bought her dog a $100 orthopedic dog bed. Money well spent.

#5 Our windows aren’t dirty..That’s our dog’s nose art.. Image Credit

#6 There’s an unspoken rule, that when your pet is sleeping on you, you don’t move.

#7 This is how my dog asks me to take him on a walk.. Image Credit

#8 This is what happens if you ignore her... Image credit

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