People have been applying the selective dog breeding for a really long time! People started breeding dogs they liked, because they wanted to bring out their most favorable characteristics of the dogs in one single breed! The problem with the selective breeding, is that people did not think long enough about health related problems selective breeding would case to these dogs! Take a look at these dogs evolution pictures, and tell me which one version of these 8 dogs you like best!
1- The Basset Hound was selectively bred so much that it caused a shortening of the hind legs, the longer droopy ears and droopy eyes that are prone to certain eye conditions in dogs such as entropion and ectropion.
2- The flattening of a dogs muzzle in Boxers and many other breeds this can lead to breathing and respiratory problems.
3- Bull Terriers have changed dramatically in 100 years. Selective breeding has been causing them teeth problems, skin allergies as well as compulsive tail-chasing. On top of all that they now have a deformed skull.
4- German Shepherds were originally medium-sized dogs. If you see them now you will see that they have shorter hind legs and are about 30 pounds heavier than what they used to be.
5- Modern pugs have a double curled tail. Originally Pugs did not have a double curve tail! This is actually a genetic defect, and if severe enough it can actually lead to paralysis.
6- White Terriers might suffer from severe health conditions nowadays like; atopic dermatitis, luxating patellae , aggression, Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, dry eye. The physical change is quiet visible!