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10 dogs who have no idea who messed up the house

Sometimes when you leave your dog home-alone for a couple of hours, they might get bored. When they get bored they start messing up with the house, and therefore get in trouble. Whoever has dogs, myself included, at one point has found the house all messed up. Trash everywhere, cushions, toilet papers, food, shampoo or anything that your dog thought was funny to play with. Watch these 10 dogs and judge for yourself if the drama is real.
1- “Mommy I swear it just exploded when you came in. I didn’t do anything.” 2- “Did you just say paint? I don’t know. I haven’t seen anything. Do you even know what you are talking about?” 

3- “Ohhhh mannn. I don’t know who did this. I swear i was just taking a nap, and when i woke up, booooom this happened!” 

4- “Do you see me now human? Do you see what i am currently doing? Well i have been doing this all day long. go blame someone else for the toilet paper!” 

5- “You see it for yourself. I am a serious dog, and there is no way in the world that I could have done all this mess. Don’t you agree with me?”
6- “Awww i am very touched that you think I am the one to blame for this mess. I did not do it. I am just an innocent little puppy who loves you so very much. Do you believe in me?” 

7- “You see it for yourself. I came here to take a shower but i wasn’t able too. Someone ripped apart the sponge. Don’t you think that this is very strange?”

8- “Did you just say TRASH? What trash human, you are very wrong. Come on now give me a kiss, I LOVE YOUUUU!” 

9- “I don’t know anything, I am here waiting to take a bath, talk to him!”

“But, do you… I don’t know… Ohhhhh…. Why do you always blame on me???”

10- “Lets discuss this human. What do you think, would i be able to do such a thing? I don’t think sooooo.. “

Source: TheDodo

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