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Is This The Most Elegant Dog In The World?

This beautiful dog became popular on social media after her owner posted a picture of hers in his profile. Soon after the picture had been shared like million times.
The owner himself always thought that his precious dog was to pretty to be kept inside the house. His long silky black locks combined with the particular look that the dog has make her look quite elegant.

After the photo going wild on the internet, he got an offer from a dogs brand. They were asking for his dog to be their ‘spokesdog’. And after that she landed another deal to be part of an ad about a dog perfume.

She truly is like a supermodel while she walks. She has a certain way of walking an maintenance a posture that makes her stand out even more. Every time the couple goes for a walk there are always people approaching to her.

But as fun as all this was with all the attention and the crowded walks became to much. It already was taking to much time from the owners family and children so the dog is retired now because the grooming process requires to much time.

Either way she will always be very special for all the family. Especially the father that has so happy memories with her. He will always feel bonded with her, no matter what.

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