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Find out 10 Spitz dog breeds you didn’t knew!

Spitz is not a dog breed, but a dog type. This dog type describes some different dog breeds that share almost the same characteristics with one another. They are not the same, but they are not totally different from each-other. Physically Spits have pointed ears, a very dense coat, and a curly tail! Find out ten Spitz dog breeds you probably didn’t knew were considered Spitz!

1- Akita

Akita is considered to be a real “treasure” of Japan. This dog is among the seven native dogs Japan saved back in 1800s , and from all seven dog breeds they are the biggest breed!

Spitz2- Alaskan Malamute

The real origin of Alaskan Malamute is not known, but they think that just like many dogs belonging to the spitz family, this breed developed in the Arctic region and was shaped by difficult climatic conditions.

3- American Eskimo

The American Eskimo Dog (or Eskie) is descended from various European Spitzes, including the white German Spitz, the white Keeshond, the white Pomeranian, and the Volpino Italiano (or white Italian Spitz).

4- Canaan

They say Canaan is an Israelite dog breed that lives isolated nowadays in the Negec Desserts and Sebulon Coastal Plain. Some say that different families use Canaan dogs as guard dogs, or as herding dogs!

5- Chow-Chow

Originates from the Ancient China. It has been used as guarding dog, or for hunting small animals!

6- Keeshond

The real origin of this Spitz is not known. However they say that Keeshond was used as watchdog, and companion in Netherlands during the 18th century!

7- Pomeranian

Nowadays Pomeranian is considered to bet the smallest among the Spitz family! Before they used to be a little bigger than now, and were used as sheepherders!

8- Samoyed

They are called after the nomadic group of people who came from Central Asia to Northwestern Siberia!

9- Shiba Inu

Many believe it hunted small game such as birds.

10- Siberian Husky

Originally belonged to a nomadic group of people called Chukchis!

Source: MomMe


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