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Find out what are these 9 dogs scared of. You will be surprised.

It is not weird for a big dog to be scared. If you have a dog, you might know by now what is your dog scared of. For example my dog is scared of keys. As soon as she hers the sound of the keys, she runs and hides. It is really weird because keys don’t even look scary, but to her keys are like ghosts and monsters. Well you will see in this post that dogs might be scared of tens of random things, mostly cats LOL.
#1- Look at this big fella foe example. To him swimming lessons are not important at all, because he or she hates swimming and pools. 

#2- This Husky for example is scared of one thing: Julia Roberts. Funny right? 

#3- This beautiful Saint Bernard is really scared of boxes. I can’t really understand why, but hey no one does I think.

#4- “I am just slowly gonna go up the stairs, ignoring the cat. I don’t want no trouble today.

#5- “They told me flight are fun, I think they are really scary. I hope nothing bad happens because I have no idea what I am gonna do.” 

#6- Look at this huge pooch while at the VET. I bet this is his behavior when its time for him or her to go at the VET. It reminds me of my dens tis appointments. :'(

#7- “I don’t know why this weird shiny thing is standing in the middle of the kitchen, but I better stay aways from it.” 

#8- “Are you my mommy, or what? Take that awfully terrifying creature out of my face!”

#9- “Cant they understand I am terrified from stairs. God what am I even doing in here. Help please, don’t let me fall. Please let me hold on to you.” 

Source: BuzzFeed

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