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Flight Attendant Adopts Stray Dog Who Wouldn’t Stop Waiting For Her Outside Hotel

Dogs are amazing, I will always say this. This story it begins as a simple gesture of affection from the flight attendant that was spending a night in Buenos Aires due to her schedules to a stray dog. She gave him some food and that was it.

What happens after that is that the stray dog keeps showing at the hotel door every time she is in the city.

The girl said that she even tried to take a different path that leaded to the hotel so he couldn’t follow her but with no luck. He would always show up outside the hotel.

The flight attendant was so kind that she searched and found the puppy a house and family to be with while she was in Buenos Aires. But having a home did not stop the dog escaping and going again and again after her.

Evnetually the girl got very attachted with the dog too. She decided to adopt him and bring him back at home with her.

Now he is the happiest he has ever been at his new home with his new lovely mummy.

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