This whole mission started back in December 2015 when a volunteer named Viive Tamm, heard that there are many stray dogs in Turkey. She was alarmed by the high number of stray dogs, suffering in the streets of Turkey.
When Viive had the idea to fly Golden Retrievers to Canada, she decided to visit Turkey and see the situation herself. This way she could see the situation, and see what was the situation exactly, in order to have a clear adopting plan. Once in Turkey, she decided that these poor shelters needed a hand in order to get all the dogs adopted.
Viive was determined to take care of these poor dogs, who would end up as stray dogs, if no one was interested to adopt them. So what she did was she decided to create a partnership between the Ontario-based operation and rescue shelters in Istanbul.
Since the partnership started only two months and a half ago, only 22 dogs have flown to Canada. Now that both parties have a better idea how the adoption process will work, they have a plan to fly from 16-20 dogs per month in Canada.
Speaking to CBC news: “Golden Retrievers are particularly populous among Istanbul’s strays as many are left after they grow out of being puppies.”
So far this partnership has resulted successful. All the dogs who have flown to Canada have found their loving home already. Many dogs have been saved, and the shelters will continue to rescue even more in the upcoming months.
Source: Buzzfeed