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Happy dogs with sticks will make you smile.

I have told you before that dogs have a thing with sticks. And with what I have seen they think: the bigger the better! To them I guess it feels like a trophy. They go out to play, and on their way home they get the biggest stick they see around, and they want to take it with them. Go big or go home right? In this post you will see 10 pictures of dogs with sticks, and I am telling you their winner faces are priceless! Enjoy these beautiful pictures and these happy faces.
#1- “Mommy mommy loook. Look what i got it a stick. I can’t believe it i made it all alone. I am so happy.”

#2- “This walk was such a good one. I am taking home with me my trophy for the day.”

#3- “Go big or go home buddy do you know that? Well i can’t embarrass myself with a tinny tiny stick.”

#4- “This is my prize from today’s walk and I am so taking it with me home! If you don’t believe me then watch this.”

#5- “Today was a good day. I played with my mommy, we took a long walk in the park, and look what I found. Sticks are my favorite and I want to take them all with me home!”

#6- “Yass i love sticks and there is nothing you can do about that human. I never judge you about your poor life-choices so please let me be.”

#7- “Ehhh I have a happy face for a reason. I love it when its sunny, I play outside, and I find sticks like this i can play with.”

#8- “Well I call this a stick also. This is just in proportion with my tinny body.”

#9- Awwwww I just want to hug that happy face. It is amazing to see how much happiness little things like sticks bring in dogs lives.

Source: BuzzFeed

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