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Heartbroken Cat Spends Year Living By Dead Owner’s Grave

It was heartbreaking just to read about this story. Sometimes we do not give cats enough credit calling them spoiled and selfish. But this cat right here has proven us wrong. Has made us open our eyes and see that not only dogs can get attached and care deeply for their owners. A cat too, can be a men’s best friend.

The owner of this cat has past away a year ago but the cat still keeps staying on her grave refusing to leave her side.  One day a 28 year old girl saw the cat mourning on the grave and even tried to adopt her but with no luck.

It has been a year now that the cat spends her days on her owners grave, and leaves its side only to go on her owners children house to eat. Although strangers that have seen her have offered food and water.

All she does is sleeping and meows, it is heartbreaking. A cat expert says that although cats appear to be distant and cool their grief for a dead owner is as real as ours for our lost loved ones. Even felines suffer anxiety and lose interest in about everything else.

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