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Here are 8 inspiring animal rescuing stories you should know

Animal rescuing is a phenomena that happens all over the world everyday. I always say that animal rescuing stories make me believe in humanity again, and that is true. I just can’t find the words to describe the appreciation I have for all those who are willing to help animals everyday. We should love and protect animals, just like we should love and protect each-other. Life is too short to harm the others, bring pain to this world, or treat one another with cruelty. I hope you enjoy the following stories, and don’t forget to help all those who need your help. I won’t cost you anything trust me.
1- A young boy in Noakhali, Bangladesh saved this fawn from a flooded river. Everyone thought the boy was going to drown in his attempt to save the deer, but he made it to the other side of the river and the deer reunited with its family.

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2- The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals received a call that there was a drowning horse. They quickly arrived, and used a crane to get her out of the water. 

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3- John Fransen spotted the little dog during rush hour on a California freeway. He fed the dog some of his protein bar and then picked it up and carried it to safety. Officer Fransen says it’s very common for animals to be abandoned in the area.

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5- Lars was taking some pictures in a frozen lake when he saw a trapped duck. He decided to jump in and rescue the poor duck from getting frozen. 

6- This Koala named Sam was burned and dehydrated, and this firefighter did his job to bring it some water and make sure he got the needed water amount. 

7- When this baby dolphin found itself out of the water retired MMA fighter Cathal Pendred carried the dolphin all by himself back to the water.

8- This happened in Australia when 40.000 homes were threatened by the flood. Still this young man decided to help this little baby Kangaroo from drowning. 

9- This lamb fell into rushing water in Norway, and these two guys decided to help. 

Source: Diply

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