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8 Hilarious Snapchats of dogs!

Snaps are the best new thing on Social Media! People are able to take a picture of something, and then write a caption on it! These pictures are shared which your friends on Snapchat, and stay on this app for 24hours! We can always save the best or funnies snaps we have! I think that this is exactly what these dog owners did! They snapped funny dogs, and decided to share them with all of us! Enjoy the next 10 Hilarious Snapchats of these hilarious dogs!
1- I guess too tired after a long walk, or too tired after a playdate? Well I hope you got home safe and sound buddy, life will get better I promise!

2- this little Chihuahua looks really serious. Looks like she is meditating, or perhaps seriously thinking about her husband who is serving the country in the Middle East! LOL

3- Well I guess the pug life choose you buddy! Tell us how do you feel. Do you like this experience so far?

4- Apparently this dog does not have such a good driving experience with his mommy. Look at that face, he thinks that anybody that believes in her driving skills is insane!

5- Look at those eyes, what would you say? Has anyone ever looked at you like that? I wish this buddy got to enjoy his love, but don’t go overboard otherwise you’ll get fat little man!

6- This is such a Hilarious Snapchat! What in the hell happened in here? whoever did this dog come from people? I have no idea!

7- This is so cute. I think its amazing to have a dog with that kind of temper. He can wait patiently to get a treat. That’s really respectful, and amazing from him! You deserve all the treats in the world beautiful!

8- You have lots of ambitions dear, you will make your dreams reality very soon!

Source: LoveURDogs

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