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If You See Your Pets Doing THIS, Take Them To The Vet RIGHT AWAY! It Might Save Their Life

If you notice your cat or dog pressing their head against a wall, or other objects, for no apparent reason, take them to the vet RIGHT AWAY! Check out next 5 pages to learn more about this problem…

Our pets can’t tell us when something is wrong, so it’s important to pay attention to their behavior. If you ever notice them doing something strange or out of character, you should be cautious. Sometimes they do things that seem cute to us, but it’s actually the manifestation of a serious issue.

“Head Pressing” is a real condition and is indicative of damage to the nervous system, which could be caused by prosencephalon disease, toxic poisoning, tumors, infections, or other conditions.

This dog had hepatic encephalopathy and is head pressing

It might look adorable, but it’s the sign of something more dangerous

Treatment will depend on what the cause of the head pressing is, but it’s best to try to get them to the vet as soon as possible because if it is something serious, the sooner it’s caught, the better. Some causes will require hospitalization, whereas others require a different type of treatment.

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