There are thousands and thousands of animals on planet Earth, and each and everyone of them has a different character, attitude, personality. We already know a lot of things for different animals, but yet there are a lot of things we can learn. These are a few facts I found interesting, and i thought to share them with all of you.
1- Zebras can perfectly communicate with each-other. For example when their ears flat back, it means that they are either annoyed, angry or uncomfortable.
2- Cows, just like humans, have best friends. Also they get stressed when they get separated from their best buds.
3- We all know that Pandas are a little too cute, but at the same time a little too silly. Did you know that Pandas do not have a particular sleeping spot? Yes, they just sleep wherever they happen to be when they feel sleepy.
4- A tiger’s leg are very powerful. They can even stand still even after the Tiger is dead. I know its crazy right?
5- Sheep have been well-known as a self-medicate animals. Whenever they feel ill, they select the food that they eat. They only eat whatever it is that will make them feel better, or that will cure their pain.
6- Did you know that a domestic cat can outrun Usain Bolt? As for myself I am shocked!
7- Happy dogs wag their tail to the right, while sad dogs wag their tail to the left.
8- Rabbits have 360° panoramic vision. This means that they can detect their predators from all directions. This explains perfectly why i can never catch a rabbit whenever I see one.
9- Elephants can’t jump. This makes perfect sense considering their body weight!
10- I bet some of you never thought about this but it is true. Pig hearts have been used a lot of times in human heart transplants. Thank you very much little, dirty, cute animals!
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