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Its all about Fluff, 13 Adorable Pictures

We are bringing some  pics of the cutest and fluffiest puppies our fans sent to the Fb page. We tried to select the best of the best. Husky puppies are one of the cutest e sweetest creatures mother nature gifted to humans. Keep sending this amazing pictures because your are feeling our days with joy and sweetness. Its all about Fluff, 13 Adorable Pictures.
1. Sweet puppy Loco


2. Franco is feeling so happy today


3. Lebron. 5 week old husky puppy from the Philippines.

4. Chloe as a baby

5. Husky babies playing together

6. One of the cutest little thing i have ever seen….

7. Just a big ball of fluffy cuteness. Fluffy

8. He is sad cuz other puppies call him fat, but he is just e little puppy

9. She is like a princess

10.  It’s feeling like monday. Fluff

11. Maya….When she was 8 weeks…So Cute

12. Thunder, got 1million likes last week in fb page, he is feeling so proud

13. New puppy Mali is well settled in. Fluff

Image Sources: Facebook.

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