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Learn from this 9-year old why adopting a dog is very important

Sometimes you don’t need to be a grown up to do the right things. It is incredible to learn what this nine-year old girl. Her name is Sadie Bettendorf and a couple of weeks ago she adopted a shelter dog. When asked why did the who it the girls simply responded: “Shelter dogs need homes, and they make our family complete.”

Saddie and her family adopted a Pit-Bull named Maxx from the Siouxland Humane Society shelter in Sioux, Iowa. They were heartbroken because they just lost their beloved dog back in June, Blue, and they were desperately searching for a new family member to make their family feel a whole again. Thats when they asked Siouxland Humane Society to inform them as soon as they would get  aPit-Bull that would remind them of their beloved dog.

As soon as the Siouxland Humane Society found out about Maxx they thought that he would be a perfect fit for Betendorf family. The Siouxland Humane Society had to take care about some health problems that Max had. Max needed a surgery to fix a painful case of bladder. As soon as they took care of Maxx they thought that it was the perfect time for them to inform the interested family.

Since Betendorf family lived nearby Minesota, It took them almost six hours to get to the shelter. Saddie was with her father and another family pet, Sugar. Without doubt Saddie feel in love with Maxx at first sight. As soon as she saw the dog, she had no doubt that he was exactly what she was looking for.

Her father, Patric Betendorf said: “Maxx is now our newest ‘tribe’ member, and we are soooo happy to have him!” Adopting a pet from a shelter teaches the children how to be more loving, caring, and responsible for what they have. They learn how to love things unconditionally, and appreciate what they have. In my opinion adopting teaches people around the world that the greatest things in life don’t have a price.

Source: TheDodo


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