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10 Life Hacks That Will Make Your Life With A Dog Easier

Dogs are one of the best things that have happened to us. They are cute, sweet, loyal, wonderful etc. But even if we love them so much, sometimes we find it hard to keep up. On how to entertain them or not escape the fence, and many more. So here are 10 Life hacks that will make your life with a dog easier. Hope some of them come at use to you.
#1. Make a dog car seat using a laundry basket, a pillow, and a blanket. If he likes it, you might even let him use it at home too.

#2. This is an amazing place for your dog, soft and comfy like he likes it also space saving

#3. Talking about space saving, you can use the bottom drawer of a shelf to put dog’s bowls. It is less messy either.

#4. The hair problem. There is a solution for that too. Use a squeegee to remove dog hair from your car seats or even sofa at home or couch.

#5. Use chalk to keep ants out of dog’s food. Apparently ants don’t cross a chalk line because it interferes with their ability to follow scent trails left by other ants

#6. If it’s really hot or really cold out, rub Vaseline onto your dog’s paws before stepping outside. It helps them from burning in summer wile walking and protect them from salt. So when you are back home just rinse it with warm water.

#7. Prevent your dog from escaping the fence.

#8. Freeze some toys in a cake shape and he will have with what to do to pass time, also will be hydrated.

#9. Cut a tennis ball and stuff it with the dog’s favorite snack.

#10. If you travel too much by car with your dog, you better get a spill proof bowl.

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