They call him Fantastic Mr. Fox, and he is well-known as a work of fiction. We have no sufficient information to explain why he is well-known as a work of fiction, but what we can say is that what you are about to see in just the real thing. Some of you may think that this is abnormal, but let me remind you a little something guys. A while ago I have told you that there are no evil animals. If an animal is treated well, and feed no harm can be done. Of course there are cases when animals have attacked, or killed many people, but the truth is that not animals are like that. The story of Patsy Gibbons will maybe convince you at some points that animals can be trained, well-educated, and therefore can become the best friend you have ever had.
The man you see in this picture is Patsy Gibbons and his two adorable sidekicks are Grainne and Minnie.
The man rescued and nursed these two foxes when they were just pups. shortly the animals made a full recovery and could have returned to the wild, but they did not want to.
They decided to stay with him because he was their hero. He saved their lives; therefore he deserved to be appreciated for everything that he did.
The man says that the three of them receive a lot of attention everywhere they go. Even schools have invited Grainne and Minnie to come along so students can see them up close.
“I now have people from all over the country and indeed the UK asking me for advice on looking after foxes,” Gibbons told The Irish Examiner. “I’m no expert and I’m still learning from them day-by-day (but) I’m happy to advise as a lay person.”
It is truly a miracle to see that some animals do appreciate us and everything we do about them. Share if you want your loved ones to learn about these beautiful grateful creatures.
Source: Boredpanda