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These are the most unlike babysitters in the world. And they are gigantic!!!

When Joshua Fisher and his wife, Bee, decided they wanted to expand their family, besides the three adorable boys they already have, they thought that getting dogs would be the best addition to the family. After doing a lot of research on getting a breed that gets perfectly well with little kids. They concluded that Newfoundlands was a smart choice. They are well known for getting along with little kids, and for their sweet characters.

Everyone meet the Fishers. The two bear-sized dogs in the pics are Ralphie and Boss. 

Even though these dogs are huge and can get up to 6 feet long and 270 lbs. they are as sweet as a little dog can get.

“We didn’t realize how big they were in-person until we went to get Ralphie from the breeders,” said Bee Fisher, according to the Daily Mail.

The little kids are totally fascinated by the size of their unusual babysitters. Their parents say that the five of them get along perfectly. 

“They are sweet and loving,” Joshua Fisher said. “It shows in our photos they are truly lap dogs. They are gentle giants and we can take them anywhere.”

The parents says that the dogs get extra attention wherever they go. They are like celebrities or something. The only downside of having them? “They slobber on work clothes — they shake their heads and it goes flying everywhere,” said Joshua. “We have to keep emergency towels around the house and their hair gets everywhere. It can be crazy, but it is worth it.”

This is one beautiful family, and the way these 5 beautiful children get along with one another is just priceless. The dogs make great babysitters to their little brothers, and their parents make sure to treat everybody just as good as they deserve to be treated. 

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