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Overweight Stray Dog Make An Amazing Transformation And Came Back To Normality.

This is the story of Bolinha, a stray dog abandoned 13 years ago in a rural road in Brazil. For all these years he lived around a gas station where people who used to stop for gas feed him. After a while he started to gain a lot of weight. He reached 80 pounds and began to have health problems. This dog was in need of immediate assistance because he start to not moving anymore.
Some months ago a hero entered Bolinha’s life and changed everything. An animal rescuer from a nearby city who heard about the dog found him and got Bolinha in his shelter. Bolinha started to lose the extra weight and his health has improved. In less than a year, Bolinha lost over 30 pounds and is on his way to healthy diet.

For 13 years, a stray dog named Bolinha lived outside a gas station in western Brazil. 

He was treated more like a roadside attraction than a living creature in need of love and care.

Last September, an animal rescuer from a nearby town came to rescue Bolinha. Finally, the dog’s life was about to change for the better.

The man brought Bolihna to the Animal Protection Organization.

Bolihna also found comfort in his new family who wanted nothing but the best for him.

The rescue team placed Bolihna on an exercise regimen that involved walking on a treadmill in water to alleviate the stress on his aching joints..

His food intake was also greatly reduced, but what he lacked in food he made up for cuddles and kisses.

Progress was slow, especially considering Bolihna’s age and various medical conditions, but his extra weight started to come off..

In less than a year, Bolinha has lost more than 30 pounds..

Bolinha’s saviors are now helping him shed another 15 pounds..

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Image Credit: PamPet Facebook


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