Despite the magical feeling that having a baby gives to a couple, there are people that just prefer to have a puppy in stead. And there is nothing wrong with that, not all people are made the same. Some have different interest, different life goals and different perception of what is happiness for them.
Babies are expensive, exhausting and cause a lot of stress especially when they are newborns. Sure they are beautiful and one of the greatest joys on a humans life, priorities change though. Some prefer to focus they energy and attention to fur babies for the time being and that is completely fine.
So these are the comments these people get, and honestly are sick and tired of hearing the same things over and over again. If you happen to be one of the person that makes comments like this, take in consideration this article because some comments are best to be kept inside.
#1 ‘Who will take care of you when you are old’ – It is very simple, we will take care of our self. When one chooses to have children they spend up to 245000 from birth till they hit 18. Instead of doing that we will save those money and spend retirement on a beautiful beach surrounded by our dogs.
#2 ‘Children give you unconditional love’ – That might be true, until they become teenagers. What can be more unconditional than the love a pet has for his owner, especially dogs. And the best part is that they never grow up to oppose to us or say “I hate you!”
#3 ‘Dogs are so messy’ – Now this is subjective. Although it is true that some dogs are messy but there are also children that are even messier.
#4 ‘But kids say/do the cutest things’ – Well dogs do cute things all the time, even when they don’t try to. And bonus part is that they do them quietly too since they don’t talk. While kids tend to be extremely loud. Although it would be nice to have heart to heart conversations with our dogs we are more than happy for having such good listeners.
#5 ‘Dogs require so much exercise’ – Physical activity is important for a dog, and while they get their daily walk we get to stay active all thanks to them. We should even thank them for keeping us healthy, I would say. And once their basic needs are all set they are completely comfortable sitting and chilling the rest of the day.
#6 ‘What will your legacy be after you’re gone’ – To be remembered as kind and generous people who worked, played and more importantly loved with all our hearts.