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Pit-Bull took a bullet for its owner, but sadly was abandoned after!

Before I have said that dogs love us more than their life! In this story you will find out that what I said is absolutely true! I am talking about a Pit-Bull hero! The story happened back in 2012, when this brave Pit-Bull named Kiko wanted to protect its home in Staten Island, NY. A man dressed like a UPS deliveryman tried to break into the house, but the dog did not allowed him. He fought for his owner attacking the thief, but unfortunately he took a bullet in his head. The ungrateful owner of his, after this incident decided to move elsewhere, and did not take the loyal, hero, brave Pit-Bull with him! In the end Kiko was shot in his head, and was abandoned from its owner. Luckily Kiko was saved from an rescue organization called “Mighty Mutts”, and started a brand new life from zero! The following pictures will take you through his recovery journey that has a happy ending!

“Mighty Mutts” checked Kiko for any health problems, and found out that he was deaf! They were not sure if he was left deaf after the shot at the head, or if he was deaf his whole life!

After they cured the gun shot, the rescue organization decided to give out Kiko to a foster family to take care of him! He was more reserved than younger, more energetic dogs, but his foster mom was very happy with her new boy!

His foster mom posted on Facebook: “He loves having his ears and butt scratched and usually when he lays down he he makes a cute little grunting/sighing noise,” apparently she was having a blast with the incredible Pit-Bull.

The more time she spent with this adorable creature, the more she fell in love with him. She added:”He is very food motivated, and smart. He loves looking at himself in the mirror (he obviously knows how handsome he is) and when we go on walks sometimes he stops to look at himself in the store windows. ”

“When he has extra energy he likes to roll around on the floor and wiggle back and forth. Whenever I catch him doing this he stops and just looks at me. (I’m assuming it’s like the equivalent of someone catching you while you’re dancing).”

“His favorite way to show affection is to come over to you and stare at you until you pet him. Then he buries his head into you and gives little happy grunts when you scratch his head just right. He also checks in with you to see where you are and if everything is ok.”

“Because he’s deaf, giving him visual reassurance that everything is ok is really important in making him feel calm and secure. I usually smile at him and give him a thumbs up. Then he goes back to sleeping or eating.”

He has recovered fully now from his incident. Now he knows that he will have another family, but it looks like he is very well used to the idea! He looks totally healthy, and happy with his new life!

Source: LittleThings


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