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Poisoned Puppy Fighting For His Life

This is the case of a dog getting poisoned from eating sago palms. This kind of plant and water hemlock are the most dangerous for dogs if they are ingested. They cause liver failure and it can be fatal within hours of consumption.

Normally many dogs eat grass, some because they lack in nutrients and others just because they like the taste of it. For that reason humans have to be always careful with their dog and what he puts in his mouth.

This couples lovely dog made the mistake of chewing some sago palm leaves and know is in severe condition. They are doing everything they can to fight of the toxins from his liver.

They sure did everything in their hands to save their puppy, they even raised a donation to help them afford the medical bills. Despite everything they were losing him.

Sadly the pup past away, the toxins had already done too much damage. He will be missed from his family and siblings. He was very playful, loving, caring and much more. The couple thanks every one who donated to help with his medical bills.

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