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Puppies face: 8 health problems

Puppies are just like babies. They cry a lot, can’t sleep, want to eat, and require a lot of attention! Despite everything else, puppies feel this 10 health problems when they first get introduced at the outside world! Here are 10 common health problems puppies face:
1-Communicable Diseases

There are many different diseases and viruses that can kill a puppy that has not been immunized against them. That is why you have to get your puppy vaccinated when they are between 6 and 8 weeks old. They should be repeated every 3 to 4 weeks until approximately 16 weeks of age.

2- Intestinal Parasites (Worms)

Even very young puppies can get worms and this is most likely from the mother. These worms can remain in the system of a dog  for months or even years. It is nothing serious and the Vet can help you take care of it, professionally!

3- Cleft Palates

It is not always easy to tell when a puppy is born with a cleft palate. You can pay attention if milk bubbles from your puppies face then you should take your puppy at the vet!

4- Hernias

There are two basic types of hernias both of which are not entirely uncommon. Both of them can be cured when the dog is spayed of neutered! If hernia is attached to any of the organs than a surgery must take place!

5- Cryptorchidism

This condition more commonly known as undescended testicles can affect one or both sides. You should wait 16 weeks for it do descend. If it doesn’t happen, then your dog needs a surgery. This is such a serious health problem your puppy faces!

6- Retained Deciduous Teeth

Basically this condition occurs when your puppy begins growing his adult teeth and the baby teeth fail to fall out on their own. It depends on your puppy breed, but sometimes these retained deciduous teeth can be removed with a surgery!

7- Skeletal Abnormalities

There are many different conditions which may affect the skeletal structure of a dog. In many cases evidence of such abnormalities may be present in the earliest stages of a puppy’s life. This is another serious health problem puppies face! 8- Demodicosis

This condition, also known as demodectic mange is one that is pretty common in puppies. It is a skin condition that infests the hair follicles. This generally results in bald spots near the affected area.

Source: Fred




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