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This is how rescued dogs and cats look like when doing yoga…

What you will see in this post is quite rare. I am talking about rescued dogs and cats dying yoga. Yes you read that right. Many might be thinking that doing yoga is not something achievable from pets, but rumor has it that it is possible. In the following pictures you will wittiness the latest stars of a calendar created by photographer Dan Borris and his former yoga teacher wife Alejandra.

“The pair, from San Antonio, Texas, put their talents to good use by rounding up rescue puppies and kittens from an animal shelter to help them create the unique tongue-in-cheek artwork.”

When asked about this rare project, the duo said that this was work was inspired by a writer friend of theirs who practices yoga. The couple thought about this project, and when they were finally convinced that it would be fun to create a calendar of animals doing yoga. 

The couple spend countless hours in order to get the perfect shot. Afterwards they used computer software tricks to make the difficult poses as close as possible to the real thing.

When asked about the pets that participated in this project, the photographer said:

“At that moment I thought wouldn’t it be great to see dogs doing yoga. I love dogs and was doing a lot of yoga as well. Really I just was taken with the idea of seeing dogs do yoga, then the idea of cats, kittens and puppies followed.”

“We find the animals every where. In the beginning we worked with our friend’s dogs but of course the original pioneer Yoga Dog and Yoga Cat were our dog, Mela and our cat, Snoosh.”

Friends: “In the studio the couple work together to recreate a variety of tricky yoga positions such as the lotus and, of course, the downward dog.”

“We were then very lucky and happy to work with to work with animals for adoption at The Animal Defence League shelter in the city.”

While Dan photographs the animals, his spouse works with them. She has to make the animals feel safe and comfortable during the photo-shooting. 

“There are of course some challenges working with animals but the most important aspect is to keep the dogs and cats feeling safe and actually having fun.”

“Patience is a key ingredient, since dogs and cats have their own ideas. All the poses are genuine yoga poses or variations which are used in yoga classes.”

Source: Dailymail

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