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Sammy disappeared for 7 years, and this is what happened to him…

In this post you will definitely understand how important is for you to microchip your pets. We are talking about a Border Collie who disappeared from his family 7 years ago. Sammy was a really lovable dog, all his neighbors knew him, so the day he disappeared everyone got sad. The sad thing was that no one saw nothing, and Sammy was nowhere to be found. Sadly the family could not trace the puppy, and after a while they adopted another Border Collie named Billie. No one had the idea that Sammy would return one day, and that day was not that precious because of what happened to him.

This is how Sammy looked like when he was first adopted. He was 6-months old in this picture. 

After 7 years, the family received a call from Wish Animal Rescue, letting the family know that Sammy was alive, and they found him. 

Because of health complications Sammy had to stay at Foothills Animal Hospital. The poor thing was covered in wounds, and his eyes were joyless. 

Now Sammy is 10-years old, and he looks a little bit older than that, but taking in consideration all the things he has been through, we can say that this dog is a survivor. 

Now that the family healed his spiritual wounds, Sammy is getting to know Billie, and looks like these two enjoy each-other’s friendship. 

They go out on walks, they spend a lot of time playing together, and the family could not be any happier. 

After a little while, looks like Sammy has adopted to all the changes in his life. He looks healthy, and truly relaxed. There is no place like home, right Sammy? 

Through this story we wanted to let you know that microchipping is truly important for your pet. You never know what might happen, so you better be on the safe side. 

Source: Boredpanda

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