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Service Dog Gets A Caricature At Disneyland, Internet Can’t Handle It

The service dog on these article was actually training to be a service dog.

The day they made a caricature of his in Disneyland, he learned how to be patient and obedient for a long period of times.

It was a couple passing near by that thought to take a picture of the dog and send it to their daughter. It is amazing how quickly a news or photo spread these days. As soon as she decided to publish it on social media, people went crazy about it.


All the training that the dog is receiving from a specialized person is to help disabled people in the future.

There is a non-profit organization that offers to train them and then offer them to people who heed their assistance for free. How amazing is that…

Making the caricature part of their training it shows them how prepared the dog is. If he is able to stay still and be patient despite the many distractions around him than he he ready to take help others.

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