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All it takes to fall in love with a puppy is that cute adorable head tilt they do… These 12 puppies will show ya!!

Falling in love with puppies is not an hard task to achieve, but I have to tell you, these adorable pooches use their charms to make us fall madly in love with them even more day after day. One of their charming tricks is the head tilt. Puppies love to do a head tilt every time they want to make us love them even more than what we already do. Sometimes they do the head tilt when they get amazed by something, but I am telling you guys, they use this as a way to catch us. You don’t believe me? Then why don’t you go ahead and take a look at the following 12 adorable puppies, and tell me whether that head tilt made you fall in love or not…. I couldn’t resist!!!!

1- “What do you mean you have no idea what a head tilt is??”

2- “Yes this is our way of telling you that we want you to fall in love with us…. IMMEDIATELY” 

3- “You know you are my favorite person in the whole world, DON’T YA?”

4- “You do think I get super duper cute when I do this don’t ya?”

5- “How do you do that because look at me I can’t stop following at your finger…”

6- “Do you really think I am cutest puppy in the entire world? 

7- “I am the super duper cute puppy, and that over there is my chill friend. We are inseparable!”

8- “Mommy can we go to the park today so I can meet my very dear friends?”

9- “Can you please buy me some other toys because I am bored with the ones I have. Pleaseeeee???”

10- “How about I tilt my head? Will that convince you to take me for a walk?”

11- “When are you coming home mommy? We already miss you so much over here!!!”

12- “We will surely win the award for the Cutest Puppies Alive!” 

Source: Buzzfeed

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