Find out the who are the biggest guard dogs all around the world. If you want to get one, and can’t decide which, then take in consideration one of the dog breeds! Remember: Not all the dogs that belong to these guard dog breeds, have the same physique! Most of them are smaller, but their guarding abilities are just as sharp as these specific 8Guard dogs!
1-Caucasian Shepherd
It is considered as the best guard dog. Their main purpose is to guard livestock. The normal weight of this breed is more than 150 pounds, while their height varies between 25 and 28 inches. In this picture you are watching one of the biggest Caucasian Shepherds who actually looks like a lion!
It is a breed of livestock guardian dog, originating from the Kangal country in Sivas Province, Turkey. They say that this guard dog is of an early mastiff type with a solid, fade tan and has a black mask. He is also a huge dog, with a very strong body and bulk.
This dog breed is powerful, courageous, calm and devoted to its family and owner. The height of Rottweiler is 95 to 130. The Rottweiler has a large size, and has been used as rescue dogs, as guide dogs for the blind, or police dogs, and in many other roles.
4-German shepherd
This is the most famous domestic dog breed especially in the Middle East. He is used as guard dog, family companion, or as police dog! Really friendly and intelligent!
It is considered an ancient breed and type of domestic dog. He is very protective, intelligent, strong, and big! This dog weighed 140 to 170 pounds and he heighted is about 25 to 28 inches.
6-American pit bull terrier
Not as big as the others, but very strong! He is highly protective, and one of the best guard dogs in the world!
They have served as watchdogs for thousands of years. Their height 27 to 30 inches and weight 120 to220 pounds. They have short hair coat with black color.
The appearance is that of a dog of medium size, with a body that is square. Compactly built, muscular and powerful, for great endurance and speed.