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These 10 chubby Pugs will put a smile on your face

Have you ever had a pug? I haven’t but oh you guys I want to get a chubby Pug so badly. They are just so cute I wanna die. Every-time I see chubby pugs, seriously I feel like pugnapping them. I wanna grab a pug, and running away with them. I mean, that face of theirs just melts my heart in a heart bit. IOf you haven’t paid much attention to pugs before, I suggest you take a look at these chubby pugs. To put a smile in your faces, I thought to share some adorable chubby Pugs pictures.
1- Really chubby cheeks. Isn’t that face just adorable?

2- Winnie the Pooh should watch out because a new chubby bear in in da town. 

3- This beauty is trying to show the ladies his beach body. He’s really fit isn’t he? 😛 

4- So the regret always comes after the damage is done. There’s nothing you can do now buddy, so keep in mind for next time. 

5- Looks like this little precious pug enjoys spending his day on the couch. I absolutely love that, can I join you? 

6- “I am a life-guard, and my duty is calling me. 

7- ” I like to eat very much. So every time I see something I try it it its eatable. It not then I just play around for a couple of minutes, and that’s how it goes!”

8- “Today is our PJ party. So no human’s allowed, no cameras allowed. We only accept food, and yummy treats. If you can’t provide those, then you can leave please and thank you!” 

9- “I am so tired man. We have been walking for like 20 minutes, and I can’t go on any further. Can I please get some help here?” 

10- “So are you up for a ride today or nah?” 

Source: RantPets

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