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These 10 perfect puppies could never do anything wrong

Having a puppy feels exactly like having a little child. They are so pure and perfect, and no matter what they do, you can never get mad at them. It doesn’t matter if they wake up at 1AM asking for some milk, you will get up and bottle feed them. Or even if they poop everywhere in the house, you will just clean the mess, and continue loving them like never before. All of you who already own a puppy, can relate to what I am talking about. When I say these perfect puppies can never do anything wrong, I really mean it. They are just so cute and chunky, that not adoring them is not an option. The pictures below will prove everything I just said.

#1- “Mommy what do you mean when you say that I have to pee pee in the bathroom? Can’t i just do it everywhere around the house?”

#2- “What do you mean the paper towel isn’t a game? It is to me, and I can tell you that it is very much entertaining.”

#3- “These birds wanted to be besties, and i accepted their request immediately. We are having the time of our life.”

#4- “Are you sure when you say that we can not go for a second walk immediately? Would you care to think once again?”

#5- “I just love it when I have my penguin PJ-s on. Everyone keeps saying that I look so cute, and that is what I love most about this pweety set.”

#6- “So what is this game we are playing lately? You dress me up, and what is it that I have to do to you in order to pay the favor?”

#7- “Thank you mommy for bringing me out here. I love it.”

#8- “How are we going to call our next adventure man? Let’s go chase dragon flies in the backyard.”

#9- “What do you mean i can’t R(eat) these books?”

#10- “Can I play with the toilet paper today? Please?”

Source: Buzzfeed

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