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These 4 Couples found their true love thanks to their dogs!

One of the biggest advantages of having a dog, is because we meet new people! We might meet new people at the dog park, or when we occasionally walk our dogs in our neighbor! This is an amazing story of 4 couples that found love thanks to their dogs! Find our how all this happened!
1-Mark & Claire and Venice & Rodd

Mark and Claire’s service dogs, Venice and Rodd, brought them together during a two-week training course in Stoke-on-Trent, in Staffordshire, England. The two Labrador Retrievers were constantly playing with each-other, nuzzling, and became known as “the true love of the course.” Instructors of the dogs called out the budding love affair to Mark and Claire. They are both blind, but the connection that their dogs had made them organize playdates outside the class, during which the couple realized they, too, had undeniable chemistry. Mark and Claire got married two years later, only then it made sense that Venice and Rodd guided the couple down the aisle, serving as doggy ring-bearers.

2- Diana adopted her dog Zoeya Labrador/Collie/Rottweiler mix to keep her company! One afternoon, when she took out Zoey for a walk on the Upper East Side, she meet her husband-to-be! She said that Zoey was playing, when she suddenly went up to a tall good-looking man. Diana started talking with the guy who was named Michael! He,too, loved dogs but couldn’t have one because he was way to busy with work, and lived in a small apartment! They started talking and that was back in July 2013, this October they are getting married. Thanks to their dogs they found their soulmate!

3-Elizabeth adopted her Husky, Kimo, after an especially traumatic year (her father passed away and her marriage fell apart). To her Kimo was everything, she loved him more than anything else! Soo enough another Husky named Silvio joined the family. Meanwhile on the other side of Los Angeles another dog lover named Tim was going through the same! His marriage fell apart, he lost custody of his little Chihuahua. Therefore he decided to adopt Shadow, then Harley. Months later, at a local dog park in Irvine, California, Shadow and Harley immediately went up to others of their breed (classic Husky “pack” behavior), who, turns out, belonged to Elizabeth. This way Tim and Elisabeth started dating, and got married back in 2013 with their beautiful Husky pack.

4-When Byron’s wife passed away, he and his assistance dog Isis were both sidelined with grief.  That’s when Inka ,another assistance dog, enters into this story. Her owner Sue knew of the loss, and decided to help! Soon their friendship turned into love, and then marriage! Their beloved assistance dogs both passed away, but they have Max and Ziggy to keep their legacy alive! Thanks to their dogs, this couple found love, and lives happier now!

Source: DogVacay

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