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These 8 Dogs Shed Like Crazy.

Before you get a dog, make sure to read about that dog. You should learn how to train your dogs, how to take care of them, and what qualities do these dogs have. In this article we are talking about top eight dogs that shed like crazy. IF you have one of them, then you must know, and if you don’t then you should do your homework fellas!
1- American Eskimo

These dogs shed like crazy. They have a soft, long, fluffy white coat, that requires brushing several times per week. You can brush their coat everyday, to save yourself some extra vacuuming at the end of the day.

2- Corgi

To live with Corgis means that you live with fur, tons of fur. The running joke is they shed twice a year, January to June and July to December. If you don’t like having fur on you 24/7/365, then don’t get a Corgi.” said Dogster member Anita M.

3- Dalmatian

They have a short, yet dense coat that requires daily brushing. You will be able to keep their coat clean, and your floor surface still shiny!

4- Great Pyrenees

Dogster member Rick L. says, though, “You need a leaf blower for the hair. They shed year-round.”

5- Labrador Retriever

Even though Labrador Retriever shed like crazy, they are regularly ranking No. 1 on the American Kennel Club’s most-registered dogs list. People just love Labrador Retrievers.

6- Newfoundland

They have a thick long coat, so brushing daily would somehow help their coat from shedding like crazy!

7- Pekingese

Dogster member LJ reported: “They shed, shed, and shed, and even though I have allergies I haven’t had too many problems. Grooming is a must!”

8- Pug

They shed like crazy even though they have a short coat. Help them to keep their coat clean brushing it daily. Pugs love to get scratched with a hair brush, and it helps to reduce shedding!

Source: MomMe

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