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These are 9 of the most adorable animal rescue stories…

I gotta admit that there is nothing that makes me happier than seeing people doing good. All the little gestures that show humanity make me believe in this world again. I always think that the best thing to do is to always stay humble and help the others as much as we can. When people decided to show the best side of themselves, it means that nothing is perfect, but we can try to do our best into making this world a better place. I guess this is what the following people had in mind when they rescued these animals. And these are some of the best animals rescue stories you will ever hear:

#1- “Adam Warwick, a biologist swam with the 400 lb bear 25 yards to get to land, and then the bear was transported back home to Osceola National Forest.”

#2- “Officer John Fransen spotted the little dog during rush hour on a California freeway. He fed the dog some of his protein bar and then picked it up and carried it to safety.”

#3- “The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals received a call that there was a drowning horse. They quickly arrived, harnessed the mare and used a crane to get her out of the water. ”

#4- “A koala named Sam was severely burnt and dehydrated.This firefighter did his part and brought Sam water.”

#5- “Lars Jørun Langøien and his friend were taking pictures by a frozen lake when they saw a duck trapped under the water. Lars jumped in and brought the duck to land. After he gave her mouth to mouth, she perked right up!”

#6- “A young boy in Noakhali, Bangladesh saved this fawn from a flooded river in 2014.”

#7- “This baby dolphin found itself out of water and beached.Retired MMA fighter Cathal Pendred carried the dolphin all by himself back to the water.”

#8- “A flood in Australia threatened 40,000 homes.This man still rescued this kangaroo from getting swept away.”

#9- “This lamb fell into the rushing water.These two men saved it from drowning in Norway.”

Source: Diply

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