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They hate mornings probably more than you do!

If you think that mornings are precious to you only, then you are dead wrong! These cute sleepyheads would do anything to have a few hours more of sleep!  It look like a busy boring day is ahead of them, and they do not like it! What do you guys think? Have you ever thought that our dog likes to sleep in, in the morning? Do you think that sometimes they hate mornings more than you do? Watch these 10 adorablem sleepy, lazy dogs!

1- “Oh mannn, I so wanted to snooze the alarm for a couple of minutes more, but I know that would make everything worse!”

2- “I am not ready for this looong, boring day! Leave me alone, I want to sleep!”

3- He is crawling, and sleeping. It is such a rough life for some, they don’t know what to do with their free-all-the-time days!

4- This cute pug was slowly falling back asleep, but he forgot to go at his bed! Nap on top of the couch while sitting, is not always such a good idea!

5- “Come on human, let me sleep just a couple more minutes, or hours! Whatever I am going back to sleep! Please do not awake me!”

6- “Mommy I told you that school is not a good idea today. I wanna sleep!”

7- If they wanted to get her out of bed in the morning, then she is taking the bed with her! I told ya, they hate mornings more than we do sometimes!

8- “No no no, I am not waking up today. Come back another day, probably it’ll be your lucky day!”

9- He made a decision not to get up this morning. How can you disturb that silly little face?

10- This little pug is so sad to hear that he has to get up from bed! He wanted to have a lazy day at bed!


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