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This Creature Was Dumped In The Middle Of A Busy Freeway — Then One Driver Stopped And Realized

It really revolts me to hear about the story of this poor abandoned dog. Having the heart to throw a puppy in the middle of a busy freeway, is nothing else but pure cruelness in my opinion. Even if you do not want to keep the puppy, out of all the possible places to abandon him was a freeway your first option?

The dog was a 10-year old Chihuahua mix. In the middle of all that traffic and overflow of cars a driver spotted him, stopped the car and took the dog home.

Although thinks were looking great for the sick dog for a while, turned out that the wife did not wanted to keep the sick dog. For that reason the man had no other choice but to drop off the Chihuahua mix in an animal shelter.


The moment he dropped her of at the shelter, he had tears in his eyes from what you could tell that he really got attached with the dog and was heartbroken for letting her go. The dog was very malnourished and sick.

While the 10 year old was established at the shelter when one beautiful day a 50 year old man came by on his birthday and fell instantly in love with her. When he took her on her arms it felt like a perfect match. He decided to adopt the little Chihuahua mix and give her a forever home. That same day the dog was released and given to the 50 year old men.

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