Both of the dogs live together with a lovely family in Washington. The little one was just a puppy when he became a member of the family. There he was introduced with his new older and much bigger sibling.
Same as any other older brother the big one was very protective with the little one. And from what is seems, the tiny pup does not mind at all her older brothers attitude.
She likes the fact that he is right behind her everywhere she goes, it makes her feel protected and safe.
At the beginning since they started to spent most of the day together, she would even fall a sleep on her older brothers back. And soon after that started the daily walks with this spoiled cutie riding on his back. Now they do this every single day. Has become their thing.
They go everywhere their paws will lead. Sometimes to enjoy a beautiful sunset and other times they go sightseeing.
Or even when they are at home doing random stuff, such as watching TV, you will find her on the big ones back. Since he keeps letting her on his back, must enjoy it as much as she does to be on top of it.
Even on those rare occasions where she is finds her self on the ground in stead of her brothers back, she will demand a ride. Both of them look very adorable together.
And to be completely honest this seems the perfect solution with this two. Can you imagine her walking side by side with him…she would and up trying to catch with his steps all the time and get his attention. Not ideal at all!