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10 Signs That Mean It’s Time To Visit The Vet

It is difficult to understand if there is something wrong with your puppy. Sometimes the symptoms are not visible  and since dogs do not speak human it make it even harder to tell if they are hurting.
If you are attentive enough there are signs that help you recognize  if your dog needs to be seen by a vet.

#1 Unexplained weight loss . If they lost their appetite it might be because of a metabolic disorder, cancer, heart disease etc.

#2 A spiking temperature is usually a sign of an inside infection. A normal temperature for dogs is between 100 to 102.5 F.

#3 A persistent cough could be a sign of bronchitis, heart problem among other illnesses.

#4 If your dog has chronic fatigue you better get him to the vet. It could be kidney disease, cancer or pancreatitis.

#5 Abnormal swelling in the abdomen area could be because of an internal bleeding or hormonal disease.

#6 If your dog is having problems urinating or even worse, if you notice blood, than he definitely should be checked by a vet.

#7 If your dog showing breathing difficulty you should send him to the vet. This might be because of an obstructed air passage or worse.

#8 If your dog has persistently red eyes it could be a sign of infection, an eye socket disorder or glaucoma.

#9 If your dog is showing signs of  restlessness than he/she is trying to get your attention that something is hurting.

#10 Vomiting can be a sign of a kidney disease or hormonal imbalance. Anyhow this should be a concern only if it happens three times or more during the day.

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