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He is an unusual dog because his favorite snack is nothing you have heard before…

Whoever has a dog already knows what the favorite snack of their pet is. Some dogs love treats, some others love fruits, some love to snack on peanut butter and so on so forth. But when i read an article about a dog whose favorite snack is a specific fruit, I started laughing out loud for real. Today you all will meet a very unusual dog. I say unusual only becuase of his weird and unusual tastes on snacks. The dog whose name is Vixen has a major obsession with B-A-N-A-N-A-S. When his 15-year old owner was asked about this matter she tried to explain the situation of her dog as well as she could:
Hey everyone this is Vixen. He has a major crush on BANANAS and he ain’t afraid to show it…

This is Vixen and his 15 year-old hooman. In the pictures below you will read what the student from California has to say about all this situation. The pup was a Christmas present.

“Vixen’s favorite snack is bananas,” she told BuzzFeed. “He comes walking into the living room like this.” 

Kayla admits that she has no idea when did his obsession with banana’s begun. 

“He loves fruit, but especially bananas. Maybe he’s part monkey”

“Whenever anyone is eating a banana, he’ll follow them around, jump up and try and get it,” Kayla told BuzzFeed.

“He was chewing a bone one time, and I got a banana, and he was more interested in the banana than his bone.”

“Even if I just say the word ‘banana’ he’ll stare at me and follow me until I give him some. I usually just rip bananas up into pieces and give it to him like that.”

“As long as he gets to eat bananas, it doesn’t matter to him – he grabs the whole bunch.”

Source: Buzzfeed

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