Dogs are super weird sometimes. I can’t figure out them sometimes, even though I am a dog person. Sometimes they are totally indifferent, other times they get extremely curious and want to know everything. They are too lovely, but sometimes you call them and they don’t even move from their comfortable bed. I am sure you all know what I am talking about, our dogs are a little weird and they do weird things also!
1- No matter what they have ambition. To become successful, and famous!
2- Or they want to sit their butt in your feet, and stare the territory for a while!
3- When I say they got a lot of love to give, I mean they got a lot to love to give to everyone. Their owner, and their best buddy which whom they share their happiest moments.
4- Sometimes our weird dogs that do weird things, decide to destroy your comfy, fancy porch furniture. And they are not sorry of their actions.
5- If they feel sleepy, it doesn’t matter where they are, they will fall asleep!
6- And sometimes they will just sit right there beside you and stare. Seriously that is super weird though!
7- No matter how weird these dogs are, their owners will always know what they are up too. Watch out little buddies, we are watching you!
8- It is not his fault that the pillow was so fluffy. He just wanted to rest his head when it BOOOOOOM popped and did this.
9- Doing weird things, is not in this dogs agenda. His only problem is with the fluffy couch cushions. This was not exactly what this dog had in mind exactly when he started playing, but what can you do, shit happens!
10- Yeap that you are beautiful face!
11- This is the weirdest. He is albe to detect cancer, and help lives for real. Wow man you are the bigger character in this story.
12- And when I say they do weird things, I mean it. They can even drive sometimes how crazy is that?
Source: BarkPost