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The Westminster Dog Show. Here are the cutest 12 dogs who participated

At the 140th annual Westminster Dog Show, which was held two weeks ago at the Madison Square Garden in New York, many dog breeds were presented. At the annual competition different dog breeds participated. We are speaking about large, small, tiny. You name it. Because of the diversity participation in this competition, we have decided to show you a couple of the dog breeds that participated in this dog show “Gala.” Wanna know if your dog breed participated in the show? Then you should keep scrolling to see all the pictures below.
1- Pug

2- Bulldog

3- Affenpinscher 

4- Smooth-haired dachshund 

5- Pembroke Welsh-Corgi 

6- Beauceron 

7- Cirneco dell’ Etna

8- Siberian Husky

9- Beagle

10- Brussels Griffon 

11- American Eskimo

12- Pomeranian 

Source: Buzzfeed

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