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When this wolf got hit by a car, only an emergency surgery could save him… This is what actually happened

I got very happy after reading the article I will share with you in this post. what makes me happy is that some people will help animals in need, no matter what species they are. In this post I will be showing you a sad story of a poor wolf was hit by a car in the countryside of Israel. Fortunately some people saw the wolf suffering, and decided to offer him some help. They took the poor creature, and brought it to a vet clinic. Since the samaritans who rescued the wolf could not understand what damage took place in his body, they decided that the veterinarians better deal with its situation.

In this picture you are seeing the wolf who got hit by a car. Once the wolf arrived to the vet clinic, the rescuers decided to name him Oliel. 

Ollie’s foot had been fractured, and that would make it nearly really hard not to say impossible for him to walk. 

That is why they immediately performed emergency surgery to repair the injury. 

The surgery was a total success, but what was about to come was not that easy for Oliel. The poor creature had to be taken care of, until he was strong enough to bare himself. 

He was scared, but that was normal. He could not understand what was happening, and for a wild wolf being locked somewhere is not normal. 

After four months, when the vets were convinced that the injury was healed, and the wolf was able to walk, they decided to set him free once again. 

Oliel could not really understand what was happening, so he was just standing inside the kennel motionless. Little did he know what was about to come. 

Once they opened the kennel, he got outside, and at first he was a little confused.

Then he knew that he was back home, and this time healthier than ever before. Good luck Oliel!! 

Source: Boredomtherapy

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