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A Woman Adopts 3 Blind Cats Because Nobody Wanted Them

These three blind kittens were found in an abandoned warehouse. Unfortunately they lost their sight due to a cat flue that was not treated in the right time.

Once they were put in a foster home, no one would adopt them. Apparently due to the lack of sight they used the smell to recognize the presence of each other. It seemed to be the only way they felt safe.

If one would intend to adopt one of the cats, she would be confused and would cry all the time.

Until this lady came that was more than willing to adopt all three kittens and take them into her home. Although she did not have much experience with pets she was willing to make it work.

She was very moved after hearing what these kittens had been through. She realized that having pets with special needs did not required the amount of work and adaptation she had imagine.

The only thing she had to be careful with was to keep everything exactly were it was.

And of course love and be kind to them. Once you show affection they wan’t leave your side.

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